In the home training was actually the beginning of the Church, this just a means to show the happenings in history. I believe there is a picture of two different churches in the NT. One seen by James the book of James the other by Paul. The disciples were sent out by two’s and sent to homes to tell about the Messiah arriving them followers, the miracles happening, them given power to heal and casting out of devils. Mr 6:7-12. So the informing of people went house to house with the sending out of his followers. For us could those represent our neighbors friends and family?

Did Jesus (Yeshua Messiah) want churches built or synagogues?

Yes He said He would build His church on what Peter was given of God to believe and stated it a scripture taken wrong: Matthew 16:16 (KJV) And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. This statement being what would build the church as stated in the following verses. So a belief that Yeshua Jesus was Messiah the son of the living God. This of course happening prior to the transfiguration. Yeshua preached outside to groups that followed him in parables, in synagogues did read scripture which I do believe is more the practice in synagogues. Reading of the word but also states he taught teaching. This is much different than the Christian church we see today. Messiah wanting the type as a Synagogue with the reading of scriptures and showing testifying of Messiah being shown to people a difference would be.

Weekly Torah Readings the reading of scripture being the main thing… even today if you scroll down you will see the scheduled readings that I am sure just select people are even able to do there. Most people maybe didn’t have the scrolls as the synagogues did the texts. Gentiles hearing of him would wait outside is how I envision things so would be part of the following except for entering synagogues where they would not enter.

Were the Lost Sheep of Israel instructed where to go to church?

Yes the lost sheep were instructed where to go to church after receiving Messiah as the son of the living God. They were told the Pharisees were the seat of Moses to go there follow there but doing this remaining a believer in Messiah. Mt 23:1-12 Why would Messiah even instruct such a thing? Because as He stated they scriptures testify of Him, this giving them more to witness about concerning their belief in Messiah. Synagogues were a scripture reading church unlike the Christian churches and remain that way. Christian churches today with all having a bible, generally pull a verse or a few out and preach about that. Christian Churches do not show Messiah in the law or the prophets to much.

Two Type Church’s in New Testament

The books of Peter John and the Book of James lays out more the type church and direction given by Messiah, it would appear James stayed with the Jews teachings but added to the knowledge for people regarding what Messiah sent. The word prophet as that is what was sent, scribes and wise men elders the only other thing mentioned regarding the church would fit these areas. Believers full of knowledge and wisdom were the elders and men, they were men. James has no mention of anything as Paul mentions within his book.

Paul on the other hand sets up a new type church having all kinds of things evangelists, teachers, deacons etc. The main difference to me James points out is where the sick are concerned. James telling the people if you are sick, you are the one to call for the elders and how to pray and anoint with oil. So it would be defining an elder. An elder would be a man, full of faith a believer, knowledge of the word, full of understanding and would need to be more than one man to me. So you need agreement of two standing on the words of Messiah. Why do I say a man? There is an order and man is over the woman, it is not that the woman’s prayer is of no effect, but even for myself would look for 2 men at least.